The subjects discussed in THIS WORKSHOP are like a thesis statement summarizing everything Heidi's learned in her career from 1. interpersonal neurobiology 2. self-compassion research 3. the science on shame and attachment 4. and how to integrate trauma. This is the most essential workshop to purchase to understand what an optimally running nervous system looks and feels like inside us and with clients.
What you'll get:
- Lifetime access to 6 hours of graduate level coursework
- A thorough understanding of two "fuels" or ways the nervous system manages stress --whether it is "diesel" or "electric," these are like the right and left legs, both calm us down but one is the newest thinking system to come online and usually the most underdeveloped in adults
- The power of electric fuel to change a person's baseline state and how through learning kind voice and running on "electric fuel" more often lasting mental and emotional well-being is possible
Diesel fuel
It happens in a four step cycle
Kind voice is about noticing lizard-y zones of thinking, then choosing to slow the thinking down and practice other regulation techniques like kind voice.
One thing to watch out for is something called "backdraft" in self-compassion research.
Most of the slides on this page plus a dozen others are included in a handout as part of purchasing the course.
This workshop explains kind voice isn't simply a technique, it's a world that you can learn to visit and sustain.
As part of learning to occupy this kind voice land more often, you and your clients can practice "retiring your critical voice to the critical voice retirement home." Heidi says her critical voice lives there, so does Deborah Lee's, so yours won't be lonely ;)
If you want to read more about these two types of fuels and what's in this class then you can click here to Heidi's old website and scroll to the middle of the page. Her blog post goes into diesel and electric fuel originating out of what she calls "simple parenting" (Be quiet, go to your room!) vs "complex parenting" (Say yes to the feelings while you say no to the behavior).
The complex parenting (Example Dad says, "Tommy, I know you're angry and you want the captain crunch. You can have rice krispies or raisin brand, which do you want?") allows the child to keep his or her prefrontal cortex online ("wizard brain" or executive functioning) WHILE ALSO experiencing what's called "high arousal" or lots of stress. The good news is that the nervous system's ability to expand and grow is like a muscle that changes with techniques like kind voice.
***Note: The Fear Regulation: Going from Critical Voice to Kind Voice 20 workshop is included in this purchase, so you don't ALSO need to purchase that workshop on this page