$30.00 USD


New Information about Memory and Your Nervous System: Learn Tools to Heal Trauma

The above short video is a question where Heidi is asked about Somatic Experiencing and how that relates to her brain health program. The video starts with neurobiology basics (the definition of integration,) then she briefly goes into Somatic Experiencing and memory integration techniques (min 1:30). It is uploaded here because it overviews the subjects that this workshop fully covers.

This "New Information about Memory and Your Nervous System" workshop gives you the most crucial information needed in order to understand why Somatic Experiencing works, (and likely other trauma processing modalities like Brainspotting or EMDR,) how to help resolve looping, bad memories and how to make nervous systems more resilient. It is designed for someone who wants to understand the neuroscience behind effective trauma processing techniques. She is giving a free workshop at the end of January (click link for more information or to sign-up). If you attended that workshop and are here to to learn more or it's passed and you're on this page now, this class goes into much greater detail than Heidi could cover during it. 

 This workshop teaches about the social engagement system and how the autonomic nervous system is more than the traditional sympathetic "fight or flight" vs parasympathetic "rest and digest" framework. (THIS IS THE NEW INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM SECTION)

Next it goes into memory and explains how memory can be used as a retriever and modifier. Memory as a retriever is nicknamed the "story," which represents the part of the thinking recalling the bad memory and can get stuck back in that time period as it does the recall. Memory as modifier is nicknamed the "storyteller," which is the part of your brain that remains present as you recall the memory and is crucial for creating neuroplasticity.(THIS IS THE NEW INFORMATION ABOUT MEMORY SECTION)

Included in the workshop: 2.5 hours of teaching with live demonstration and PowerPoint explanation afterward, then an additional question and answer session that goes deeper in the material. Whether you want to know more about memory and nervous system basics as a curious lay person to help heal yourself and your loved ones or whether you're a clinician wanting detailed, cutting-edge science, this workshop teaches the essential tools from neuroscience to transform stuck memories and nervous systems.

As a recap the class covers:

And replaces an understanding of that myth to a 3 part system

This 3 part system can be thought of metaphorically as "The Ladder":

There is a description about the ventral vagus nerve

And the mental and emotional states that occur when at the top of the ladder and a stressful signal happens:

When at the middle of the ladder and a stressful signal continues:

Then when you are at the bottom of your ladder and the type of state that occurs there:

(This is the section on NEW INFORMATION ON YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM . It even includes a video of an animal in dorsal vagal collapse / the bottom of the ladder state named "life threat.")

The class next goes into information about memory and neuroplasticity techniques to help make the nervous system more resilient.


In order to get a more robust nervous system the solution is to integrate the thinking, that is, to differentiate and link (the definition of integration) between the bad memory ("the story") and the present-day awareness ("the storyteller").

The class explains about memory, there is an old way of thinking about memory as a copy machine, but newer research shows memory to be more about how one moment in time affects another moment in time.

The goal is to differentiate and link memory and other functions discussed in the class to create higher levels of integration in the client (or in yourself).

Nerd moment: one more slide about memory:

Besides covering the core information you need to understand memory and nervous system arousal, customers share that the live demonstration, then the explanation (with the PowerPoint) that goes through what was taught, are the most useful part of the workshop. You get to see and experience "memory reconsolidation," (the nullifying of the charge of a bad memory, a form of neuroplasticity,) in action. This is the "missing ingredient" that was mentioned at the end of the video at the top of this page.

At the bottom of this page I'll paste a testimonial from the audience member who participated in the demonstration





What People Are Saying:

I greatly enjoyed (being the demo) where you worked with me through the boat memory. It is less charged for me now. I think of Wonder Woman and sunny skies. It is a great feeling. Occasionally, the event pops up in my memory, but instead of feeling shame or disappointment, I think of the cheers from the other participants. I’m able to use the new memory and apply it to other challenging memories.